Chapter 4
When either carriage unit or multi sensor has been replaced, be sure to replace the multi sensor reference plate as well. d) Action to take after replacing the carriage unit and the multi sensor
Because the distance between the multi sensor (in the carriage unit) and the nozzles (in each printhead) is varied from one unit to another, the printer has its optical axis corrected and paper gap adjustment sensor gain and calibration adjusted prior to shipment. When the carriage unit or multi sensor has been replaced, they should require adjustment.
Execute service mode under the following conditions to launch automatic adjustment:
1) Optical axis correction
-Service mode: SERVICE MODE > ADJUST > PRINT PATTERN > OPTICAL AXIS Media type: Gloss photo paper
2) Paper gap adjustment
3) Sensor correction for calibration
4.3.7 Ink tube unit
a) Removing ink tube unit
1)Drain the ink. See Disassembly/Reassembly > Points to Note on Disassembly/Reassembly >Draining the ink.
2)Remove the carriage unit. See Disassembly/Reassembly > Points to Note on Disassembly/Reassembly > Carriage Unit.
3)Disconnect five flexible cables from the main controller PCB.
4)Remove the flexible cable leading to the carriage PCB cover from the guide.
5)Remove three screws [1] and release ink tube fixer base [2] from the frame.
6) Unclamp the ink tube and remove it from the frame with care to avoid ink splashing and contact with the linear scale.
Never peel off tape [1] that fixes the ink tube when detaching the joints of the ink tube on the upper part of the carriage or when removing the joint base from the carriage.
When replacing the ink tube unit, be sure that the tapes [1] are posted to the new ink tube unit.
b) Reassembling ink tube units
When the ink tube unit has been replaced, turn on the power without mounting the printhead and the ink tanks.
Then, mount the printhead and ink tanks as directed by message guidance.
After detaching the joint of the ink tube unit, the joint might become easy to come off by the ink that has adhered to it.
In that case, please wash the joint by alcohol and remove the adhering ink.