Programming Reference
Command Descriptions
NV bit image means a bit image which is defined in a
In standard mode, this command is effective only when processed at the beginning of the line.
k bytes data of d1...dk is processed as a defined data of a NV bit image. The defined data (d) specifies a bit printed to 1 and not printed to 0.
All NV bit images previously defined are canceled.
After processing this command, the printer executes a software reset. Therefore, processing this command enables the printer to be in the correct status when the power is turned on.
The limitations during processing of this command are as follows:
Paper cannot be fed by using PAPER FEED button.
The NV bit image is printed by FS p.
Bit image data and print result are as follows:
d1 | dY+1 | ... | . | MSB |
| . | LSB |
d2 | dY+2 | ... |
| MSB |
| LSB |
. | . | ... | MSB |
| |
. | . |
| LSB |
dY | dY x 2 | ... | dk | MSB | Y = yL + yH xҏ256 |
| LSB |
175 | Preliminary Rev. 02 |