This manual uses the following conventions.
Convention | Purpose | Example |
Bold text | User interface field names and | Click the Groups option. The |
| menu options. | Groups edit page appears. |
Italicized text | Used to emphasize text. | You must save your |
| configuration before you can |
| deploy your rule sets. |
Keys connected | Keys pressed simultaneously. | Ctrl+Alt+Delete |
by the plus sign |
Keys not | Keys pressed sequentially. | Esc 0 2 7 |
connected by plus |
signs |
Monospaced | Text displayed at the command | >ping www.example.com |
font | line. |
Tip Identifies information to help you get the most benefit from your product.
Note Means reader take note. Notes identify important information that you should reflect upon before continuing, contain helpful suggestions, or provide references to materials not contained in the document.
Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could
result in equipment damage, loss of data, or a potential breach in your network security.
Installing Management Center for Cisco Security Agents 5.2
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