Message | Causes | Corrective Actions |
Alert! Redundant memory | Installed memory modules are not the | Ensure that all memory modules are of |
disabled! Memory | same type and size; faulty memory | the same type and size and that they are |
configuration does not | module(s). | properly installed. See "Memory" on |
support redundant memory. |
| page 82. If the problem persists, see |
| "Troubleshooting System Memory" on |
| page 124. |
Attempting to update | Remote Configuration request has | Wait until the process is complete. |
Remote Configuration. | been detected and is being processed. |
Please wait... |
BIOS Update Attempt | Remote BIOS update attempt failed. | Retry the BIOS update. If problem |
Failed! |
| persists, see "Getting Help" on page 147. |
Caution! NVRAM_CLR jumper | NVRAM_CLR jumper is installed. | Remove the NVRAM_CLR jumper. See |
is installed on system | CMOS has been cleared. | Figure |
board. |
CPUs with different cache | Microprocessors with different cache | Ensure that all microprocessors have the |
sizes detected! | sizes are installed. | same cache size and that they are |
| properly installed. See "Microprocessor" |
| on page 89. |
Decreasing available memory
DIMM pairs must be matched in size, speed, and technology. The following DIMM pair is mismatched: DIMM x and DIMM y.
Faulty or improperly installed memory modules.
Mismatched or unmatched DIMMs installed; faulty or improperly seated memory module(s).
See "Troubleshooting System Memory" on page 124.
Ensure that all pairs of memory modules are of the same type and size and that they are properly installed. See "Memory" on page 82. If the problem persists, see "Troubleshooting System Memory" on page 124.
DIMMs must be populated in | The specified DIMM is inaccessible to | Populate 2, 4, 8, or 12 DIMMs |
sequential order beginning | the system due to its location. DIMMs | sequentially beginning with slot 1. See |
with slot 1. The following | must be populated in sequential order, | "Memory" on page 82. |
DIMM is electrically | beginning with slot 1. |
isolated: DIMM x. |
DIMMs should be installed in pairs. Pairs must be matched in size, speed, and technology.
Mismatched or unmatched DIMMs installed; faulty or improperly seated memory module(s). The system will operate in a degraded mode with reduced ECC protection. Only memory installed in channel 0 will be accessible.
Ensure that all pairs of memory modules are of the same type and size and that they are properly installed. See "Memory" on page 82. If the problem persists, see "Troubleshooting System Memory" on page 124.
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