Reference Two Page 115 Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:08 PM


















Troubleshooting Tables


Buying a Pay-Per-View Program

















What Is Happening



Possible Reason




What to Do














Someone orders a Pay-Per-

You may have been away


Lock the purchase of Pay-Per-View programs.



View program without your


from the receiver, and



Remember that you are responsible for all Pay-





someone else used it.



Per-View purchases, whether or not you









authorize such purchases. If you lock Pay-Per-









View purchases, then anyone who wants to order









a Pay-Per-View program must enter the























You find that you are not able

The receiver may not be


You must connect the receiver to an active



to order a Pay-Per-View


connected to an active



telephone connection at all times. If you install





telephone line.



two or more receivers, you must connect each









receiver to an active telephone connection at all























You find that you are not able

You ordered a Pay-Per-View


You cannot cancel an order for a Pay-Per-View



to cancel a Pay-Per-View


program, and then decided



program, whether it was just ordered or ordered





not to watch it.

















Your setup includes more than

You ordered a Pay-Per-View


If you want to watch a Pay-Per-View program on



one receiver. You order a Pay-


program, and want it to be



TVs connected to up to six receivers, you must



Per-View program, but it does


available via all the receivers



order the program for each receiver but you only



not appear via all of the


in your setup.



pay for the program once.

























































What Is Happening



Possible Reason



What to Do













You were using a menu, and it



• The receiver has a time-out


• Start over again.




suddenly closed.



feature that closes any menu









after several minutes of no










activity. This will discard any









changes you have made, but









otherwise does no harm to the






































Page 141
Image 141
Dish Network 222 manual Buying a Pay-Per-View Program, Menus