Select Done.
Note: Usually, you need a telephone number prefix only for business installations. For most residential installations, all you need to do is set the telephone system type. The default setting of No Prefix will allow correct dialing. If this is the case, select the Save option to save the above setting, and stop here. If you do need to set a prefix, then instead of selecting the Save option, go on to step 5.
4 If you selected No Prefix, select Done.
5 If you selected Prefix Code, the receiver highlights the box where you must enter the exact sequence you dial the phone to obtain an outside line.
Select the Touch Tone or the Rotary Phone option in the Phone Type list.
Select either the No Prefix or the Prefix Code option in the Outside Line Prefix list.
Connections and Setup
Connecting the Phone Line
Phone System Setup
You must also set up the receiver for your telephone system (touch tone or rotary), and set a telephone number prefix, if you need a prefix to make an outside call.
1 Pressing MENU, then select System Setup (6), Installation (1), and then Phone System (4).