About This Guide
Welcome to the Enterasys Networksëëë™ MATRIX E5 Series Modules (5H1xx and 5G1xx) Local Management User’s Guide. This manual explains how to access and use the Local Management screens to monitor and manage 5H1xx and 5G1xx modules, attached segments, in a
Important Notice
Depending on the firmware version used in the module, some features described in this document may not be supported. Refer to the Release Notes shipped with the module to determine which features are supported.
A general working knowledge of basic network operations and an understanding of management applications is helpful prior to using Local Management.
This manual describes how to do the following:
•Access the Local Management application
•Identify and operate the types of fields used by Local Management
•Navigate through Local Management fields and menus
•Use Local Management screens to perform management operations
•Establish and manage Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs)
The guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, Introduction, provides an overview of the tasks that may be accomplished using Local Management (LM), and an introduction to LM screen navigation,
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