X4& = Input signal/SDI genlock 0 = Disabled; (default)
1 = Input signal genlock enabled; locks output vertical to the selected input vertical rate
2 = SDI genlock enabled; locks output vertical to the applied genlock input (“D” models only)
X4* = Input signal/genlock status
0 = Input signal / SDI genlock disabled
1 = Input signal / SDI genlock enabled, but cannot lock to applied input signal/SDI genlock input. DVS defaults to set output rate/refresh
2 = Input signal/SDI genlock enabled, output locked to applied input signal/SDI genlock input
X4( = Input HDCP HDMI authorization status: 0 = Block HDCP encryption
1 = Allow HDCP encryption (default for inputs 3, 4, and 5)
X5) = Horizontal genlock offset: range is ± the correct output resolution total pixel value
X5! = Vertical genlock offset: range is ± the correct output resolution total line value
SIS IP command definitions
X10) = Default name: combination of model name and last 3 hex pairs of MAC address (for example
X10$ = On/off status: 0 = off/disable; 1 = on/enable
X10^ = Unit name is a text string up to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet
No distinction is made between upper and lower case. The first character must be an alpha character. The last character must not be a minus sign/hyphen.
X10& = Local date and time format
Set format is
Read format is day, date month year (HH:MM:SS), for example, Thu, 20 Feb 2003 (18:19:33)
X10* = IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx); leading zeros in each of 4 fields are optional in setting values, and are suppressed in returned values.
NOTE: DHCP is disabled by default. Default IP is
X10( = Hardware (MAC) address
X11) = Subnet mask (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). Leading zeros are optional in setting values in each of four
fields, and are suppressed in returned values. Default subnet mask =
X11! = Verbose/Response mode, (default = 0 for telnet connections, 1 for
0 = Clear/none;
1 = Verbose mode
2 = Tagged responses for queries
3 = Verbose mode and tagged responses for queries.
NOTE: If tagged responses is enabled, all read commands will return the constant string +
the data, like setting the value does.
For example command: E CN } response: Ipn • X10^]
X12! = Password (12 characters = maximum length; no special characters are allowed.)
NOTE: A user password cannot be assigned if no administrator password exists; the E14
error code is returned. If the administrator password is cleared, the user password is also removed.
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