DVS 605 • SIS Communication and Control 58
Command | ASCII (Telnet) | URL Encoded (Web) | Response | Additional Description |
| (host to processor) | (host to processor) | (processor to host) |
Set IP address24 | E X10*CI} | WX10*CI | Ipi• X10*] | X10* = IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). |
| Leading zeros in each of the four fields are |
| optional in setting values. |
Read IP address24 | ECI} | WCI | X10*] | Leading zeros in each of the four fields are |
| suppressed in returned values. |
Read hardware | ECH} | WCH | X10(] | X10( = hardware media access control (MAC) |
address (MAC) |
| address |
Set subnet mask24 | E X11)CS} | WX11)CS | Ips•X11)] | X11) is the subnet mask (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). |
| Syntax is the same as for the IP addresses. |
| Leading zeros are optional in setting values. |
Read subnet mask | ECS} | WCS | X11)] | Leading zeros are suppressed. |
Set gateway IP address24 | E X10*CG} | W X10*CG | Ipg•X10*] | X10* is the IP address. Leading zeros are |
| optional. |
Read gateway IP address | ECG} | WCG | X10*] |
NOTE: Changes made to any Ethernet settings do not take effect until the reboot networking command (2BOOT) is issued. |
Reboot network | E2BOOT} | Boot2] | Restarts network connections after IP address |
| or DHCP changes. |
NOTE: X10* | = | IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx); leading zeros in each of 4 fields are optional in setting values, and are suppressed in returned values |
X10( = | Hardware (MAC) address | |
X11) | = | Subnet mask (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). Leading zeros are optional in setting values in each of four fields, and are suppressed in returned values. |