DVS 605 • SIS Communication and Control 59
Command | ASCII (Telnet) | URL Encoded (Web) | Response | Additional Description |
| (host to processor) | (host to processor) | (processor to host) |
NOTE: A user password cannot be assigned if an administrator password does not exist. Entering a password when the DVS 605 has not been configured yields an
E14 response from the processor. If the administrator password is cleared (removed), the user password is also removed.
Read administrator password | ECA} | WCA | X12!] |
Set administrator password 24 | E X12!CA} | WX12!CA | Ipa•X12!] | Set the administrator access password. |
| (X12! is |
| The password is case sensitive. Special |
| characters (spaces or symbols) are |
| not allowed. |
Clear administrator | E•CA} | W%20CA | Ipa•] | Clear/remove all passwords (administrator |
password 24 |
| and user) |
Set user password14 24 | E X12!CU} | WX12!CU | Ipu•X12!] | Set the user access password |
| X12! is |
| The password is case sensitive. Special |
| characters (spaces or symbols) are |
| not allowed. |
NOTE: A user password cannot be assigned if an administrator password does not exist.
Clear user password24 | E•CU} | W%20CU | Ipu•] | This clears the user password only. |
Read user password24 | ECU} | WCU | X11@] |
Set verbose mode24 | E X11!CV} | W X11!CV | VrbX11!] | Set verbose mode. |
NOTE: The processor can send out unsolicited information (such as notice of a volume or input change or a change in some other setting). That is called verbose | ||||
| (wordy) relationship between the processor and a connected device. For a direct | |||
| When the DVS 605 is connected via Ethernet, Verbose mode is disabled by default in order to reduce the amount of communication traffic on the network. | |||
| If you want to use the Verbose mode with a processor connected via Ethernet, this mode must be set to On each time you reconnect to the processor. | |||
Read verbose mode | ECV} | WCV | X11!] |
Read connection’s security | ECK} | WCK | X12%] |
level |
NOTE: X11! = Verbose/response mode (Default = 0 for Telnet connections; 1 for
and tagged responses for queries. If tagged responses are enabled, all read commands return the constant string + the data, like setting the value does (for example command:
Esc CN } response: Ipn• x12]).
X12! = Password (12 characters = maximum length; no special characters are allowed)
X12% = Connection’s security level: 0 = anonymous, 1 – 10=extended security levels 1 thru 10, 11 = user, 12 = administrator