type. The acceptable conversiontypes depend on the channel type. The conver-
sion typesand their names are listed in Table 7 on page 128.
This command may be password-protected. Toaccess this command:
•If the SYST:PASS:CONV? command returns a 0 (probe password-protec-
tion is disabled), the password is not required.
•If the SYST:PASS:CONV? command returns a 1 (probe password-protec-
tion is enabled), the password must be successfully entered using the
SYST:PASS:CEN<pass> command (see Section 9.4.11, Password Com-
mands). CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:PARameter:CATalog?
Returnsthe names of the probe characterization parameters associated with the
current conversiontype for the specified channel.
The CALCulatesuffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4) or memory chan-
nel (5 to14). Each item in the response list is enclosed in double-quotes and
separated from other items by a comma. Each item indicates the name of a
characterization parameter for the currentconversion type.If there are no pa-
rametersavailable for the current conversion type, an empty string is returned.
The list of parameters depends on the selected conversiontype. Characteriza-
tion parameters for the variousconversion types are listed in Table 8 on page
128, ConversionTypes and Parameters. CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:PARameter:VALue? [<param>|ALL]
Returns the valueof the specified conversion parameter for the specified
The CALCulatesuffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4) or memory chan-
nel (5 to 14). The <param> parameter is the name of the parameter as givenin
Table8, Conversion Types and Parameters. If the <param> parameter does not
apply to theselected conversion type, an error -221, “Settings Conflict”, is
generated. Specifying the ALL parameter returns the name and valueof all pa-
rameters associated with the specified channel in a comma delimited list. If no
parameter is specified,the ALL parameter is assumed. The format of there-
sponse consistsof a parameter name, enclosed in double quotes, followed by its
value(i.e. "param1",value1,"param2",value2,"param3",value3,...). CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:PARameter:VALue<param>,<num>[,<
Sets thevalue of one or more conversion parameters for the specified channel.
8 Digital Communications Interface