The <num> parameter specifiesthe number of the desired date format. See Ta-
ble 11 on page 130, Date Formats, for a list of acceptable time formats. Spec-
ifying theMIN, MAX, or DEF parameter sets thed ateformat to the minimum,
maximum, or defaultrespectively. DISPlay:TIME:FORMat? [MIN|MAX|DEF]
Returnsa number indicating the current time format.
The return valueis either a 0 or 1. See Table 12 on page 130, Time Formats, for
a list of acceptable time formats. Specifying the MIN parameter returns a value
of 0. Specifying the MAX parameter returns a valueof 1. Specifying the DEF
parameter returnsa value of 1. DISPlay:TIME:FORMat <num>|MIN|MAX|DEF
Sets the time format setting.
The <num> parameter specifiesthe number of the desired time format. See Ta-
ble 12 on page 130, TimeFormats, for a list of acceptable time formats. Spec-
ifying theMIN, MAX, or DEF p arameter setsthe time format to the minimum,
maximum, or defaultrespectively. SYSTem:DATE? [MIN|MAX|DEF]
Returnsthe current system date.
The response is returned in the format,<year>,<month>,<day>. Specifying the
MIN parameter returns a valueof 2000,1,1. Specifying the MAX parameter re-
turns a valueof 2099,12,31. Specifying the DEF parameter returns a value of
2000,1,1. SYSTem:DATE <year>,<month>,<day>
Sets the system date to the specifiedyear, month, and day.
The <year>, <month>, and <day> parameters must allbe supplied. The <year>
parameter isa four-digit number (2000 to 2099). The <month> parameter is a
one or two-digitnumber (1 to 12). The <day> parameter is a one or two-digit
number (1 to 31). Specifying theMIN, MAX or DEF parameter sets the system
date to the minimum, maximum, or default value respectively.
8 Digital Communications Interface