The ECHO parameter allowsthe user to set the echo (duplex) mode. Selecting
ON enables echoing so that all characters receivedon the serial port are echoed
back overthe serial port. This mode is useful when using terminal emulation
software on a computer to communicate with the instrument. Selecting OFF
disablesechoing. This mode is commonly used when using control software on
the computer.
Press the LR buttonsto select the parameter setting. Use the UD buttons
to scroll between thep arameters. Pressthe Enter buttontosavethenewset
ting.Press and hold the Exit button to cancel to the main display or press the
EXIT buttonto cancel and to move to the next parameter. IR
When the IR option isselected, the parameters for the IR port are displayed on
the bottomportion of the display. These parameters are: MODE, IR PER, and
The MODE parameter allows the user to select the protocol used by the IR port
to transmit and receivedata. The user may choose between OFF, HP-PR,
The OFF option turns the IR port off.
The HP-PR option allows the user to print a new measurement to an
HP-IR calculator printer.
The COMM option allows the user to transmit data over the IR port at
9600 baud in simple ASCII format.
The IRDAoption allows the user to print logged data to an IrDA compati-
ble printer (such as an HP LaserJet 2100). Automatic real time printing is
not possible with the IrDAmode..
The IR PER parameter allowsthe u ser to select the intervalat which measure-
ments are transmitted overthe serial port. The user may choose between 0.1,
0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5, 10, and 30 minutes, and1 hour.
The IR PERcan not be set to less than 10 seconds if the MODE is set to
The PRINT parameter allowsth e user to enable printing measurements over the
IR port.Selecting ON enables printing and selecting OFF disables printing.
Press the LR buttonsto select the parameter setting. Use the UD buttons
to scroll between thep arameters. Pressthe Enter buttontosavethenewset
ting.Press and hold the Exit button to cancel to the main display or press the
EXIT buttonto cancel and to move to the next parameter. GPIB (Optional)
When the GPIB option isselected, the parameters for the IEEE-488 port are
displayedon thebottom portion of the display. These parameters are: GPIB,
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide