Command Description ReferTo
*CLS Clearsthe status registers Section8.4.12
*ESE? Returnsthe Event Status Enable Register Section8.4.12
*ESE<num>|MIN|MAX|DEF Setsthe Event Status Enable Register Section8.4.12
*ESR? Returnsthe Event Status Register Section8.4.12
*IDN? Returns the instrument identification string that indicates
themanufacturer, model number, serial number, and firm-
wareve rsion
Section 8.4.8
*OPT? Returnsa list of installed input card types Section 8.4.8
*RST Setsthe instrument operating parameters to defined
Section 8.4.8
*SRE? Returnsthe Service Request Enable Register Section8.4.12
*SRE<num>|MIN|MAX|DEF Setsthe Service Request Enable Register Section8.4.12
*STB? Returns the StatusByte Register Section8.4.12
*TST? Performs a self-test and reports any errors that are found Section8.4.12
CALCulate:AVERage:CLEar Clearsthe statistical functions for all channels Section8.4.1
CALCulate<chn>:AVERage<n>:DATA? Returnsthe value of a statistical calculation for the speci-
Section 8.4.1
CALCulate:AVERage<n>:TYPE? Returns the keyword for the specified calculation type
Section 8.4.1
CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:CATalog? Returns a list of conversion types available for the speci-
Section 8.4.4
CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:COPY<destchn>|ALL Copiesthe conversion type, sub-ranges (ITS-90), serial
number,and characterization coefficients from one chan-
nelto another
Section 8.4.4
CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:NAMe? Returnsthe name of the selected conversion type for the
Section 8.4.4
CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:NAMe<conv> Setsthe conversion type by name for the specified
Section 8.4.4
CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:PARameter:CATalog? Returnsthe names of the probe characterization parame-
tersused with the selected conversion type for the speci-
Section 8.4.4
Returnsthe value for the specified or All conversion pa-
rametersfor the specified channel
Section 8.4.4
<param>,<num>[,< param>,<num>...]
Setsthe value of one or more conversion parameters for
thespecified channel number
Section 8.4.4
CALCulate:CONVert:PRINt[<chn>|ALL [,<port>]] Returns the conversion parameters for the specified
Section 8.4.4
CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:SNUMber? Returnsthe probe serial number for the specified channel Section8.4.4
CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:SNUMber<seri> Setsthe probe serial number for the specified channel Section8.4.4
CALCulate<chn>:CONVert:TEST?<res>|<volt> Teststhe temperature conversion for the specified channel Section8.4.4
818 Digital Communications Interface
Interface Commands
Table 3 Alphabetical List of Commands