The statistical calculation types are listed in the following table.
8.4.14 Field TypesThe bottomportion of the main display is capable of showing up to eight fields.
These fieldsare selectab le from the following table.
Number Keyword FieldType
0 ---- None
3 TYP ConversionType
4 SER ProbeSerial Number
5 INP Input
6 REF Reference
7 TEM Temperature
8 -T1 DeltaBetween Specified Channel and Channel 1
9 -T2 DeltaBetween Specified Channel and Channel 2
10 -T3 DeltaBetween Specified Channel and Channel 3
11 -T4 DeltaBetween Specified Channel and Channel 4
12 AVE Average
13 STD StandardDeviation
14 MIN Minimum
15 MAX Maximum
16 SPR Spread
17 STN Statisticaln (Number of Measurements Comprising Statistics)
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide
Number Type Keyword
1 Average AVE
2 Standard Deviation STD
3 Minimum MIN
4 Maximum MAX
5 Spread SPR
6 N (Number of Samples) STN