4. How long does the battery last from full charge? About 8 hours from
full charge with thebacklight off.
5. How do I know when the battery is at full charge? The charging indica-
tor LED located on the back panel displays amber while charging and
then turns green when the batteries are fully charged (only when the AC
adapter is connected). The front panel indicator at the bottom right
shows when the batteries are in use and their approximate charge state.
6. How does thebacklight affect the battery life? With the backlight on low
the battery life is reduced by 25%, medium by 30%, and high by 40%.
7. Do I have to let the battery fully discharge before charging? No, the bat-
teries do not need to be fully discharged before recharging. You may re-
charge them at any time.
8. Is it recommended that I allow the battery pack to fully discharge occa-
sionally? In order to maintain the charge/discharge characteristics of the
battery, Hart recommends that you allow the battery to discharge com-
pletely once a month. You do this by allowing the Model 1529 to operate
on battery power until it shuts down on its own.
9. If I allow the battery pack to fully discharge, what happens to the calibra-
tion parameters stored in the Model 1529? Parameters used by the Model
1529 are stored in non-volatile RAM (NVRAM). This IC stores the pa-
rameters even when power is not applied.
10. How many recharge cycles is the battery good for? Approximately 500.
11. What happens to my measurement accuracy when the battery is low?
The Model 1529 does not display temperature when there is not suffi-
cient power to make a correct measurement.
12. If I am using the autolog and the battery runs out will I lose my data?
No, you won’t lose any data. The Model 1529 simply stops logging
data. When the AC adapter is plugged in, the data logging continues.
13. How do I dispose of the batteries used in the Model 1529? Disposal
guidelines can be found by consulting your local governing authority.
14. If the AC adapter is plugged in and I have the unit turned on, is the bat-
tery still charging? Yes, the Model 1529 charges while in use without af-
fecting the charging time or its performance.
15. If I am using the Model 1529 with AC power and a power outage occurs,
will the batteries automatically take over? Yes, when AC power is re-
moved from the Model 1529 for any reason, the batteries automatically
supply back up power without risk of losing any data.
11.5.2 Input1. Can I swap out measurement boards in the field? No, the measurement
boards were not designed to be exchanged in the field.
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide