The RANGE parameteris used to selectthe appropriate resistance range. For
25 ohm and 100 ohm PRTsselect 100 ohms and for 1000 ohm PRTs select 10K
The WIRES parameter setsthe appropriate number of lead wires from the sen-
sor.This parameter can be set to 2-, 3-, or 4-wires. See Figure 5 on page 24 for
the wiring configuration.
The followingtable shows which parameter to set for each of the coefficients
that may appear on the certificate.Note: If the certificate has two sets of coeffi-
cients, one set for “zero-power”calibration and one set for 1 mA calibration,
use the coefficientsfor the 1 mA calibration.)
MatchingCertificate Values to the 1529 ITS-90 Coefficients
1529ITS-90 Coefficients CertificateValue
A a6,a7, a8, a9, a10, or a11
B b6,b7, b8, or b9
A4 a4
B4 b4
The followingexample demonstrates how to set the ITS-90 parameters for the
case where a PRTwas calibrated to ITS-90 and its calibration certificate states
valuesfor coefficients Rtpw, a4, b4, a8, and b8. Set the 1529 parameters with
valuesfrom th e certificateas follows.
SettingC oefficients Rtpw, a8, b8, a4, and b4
1529ITS-90 Coefficients CertificateValue
A4 a4
B4 b4 ITS-SR5
The ITS-SR5 conversionis a special case of the ITS-90 conversion type. This
conversionis for the ITS-90 sub-range 5 only.
When the ITS-SR5 conversiontype is selected, the RTPW, A5, and B5 coeffi-
cientsare displayed on the right portion of the bottom of the display. The UD
buttonsare used to scroll through the coefficients. Use the Enter buttontoedit
7 Menu Functions
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