and to savethe new settings. Use the LR buttons to change each digit of the
settings.Press and hold the Exit button to cancel to the main display or press
the EXIT button to canceland to move to the next parameter. On the last pa-
rameter,press the Exit button to exit the menu. PT-100 Conversion
The parameters for the PT-100conversion are R0 (R0), ALPHA (α), DELTA
(δ), and BETA(β). These parameters cannot be changed by the user and are set
to;R0: 100.0, ALPHA: 0.00385055, DELTA:1.4998, and BETA:0.109, which
are applicableto the ASTM E1137 type PRTs, also known as DIN-43760 or
When the PT-100conversion type is selected, the RANGE and WIRES parame-
tersare displayed on the right portion of the bottom of the display. The UD
buttonsare used to scroll through the parameters. Use the Enter button to
change and savethe new settings. Press and hold the Exit button to cancel to
the maindisplay or press the EXIT button to cancel and to move to the next pa-
rameter.On the last parameter, press the Exit button to exit the menu.
The RANGE parameteris used to select the appropriateresistance range. Gen-
erally,this should be set to 100 ohms.
The WIRES parametersets the appropriate number of lead wires from the sen-
sor.This parameter can be set to 2-, 3-, or 4-wires. See Figure 4 on page 24 for
the wiring configuration. Callendar-VanDusen (CVD) conversion
The followingequations are used for the Callendar-Van Dusen conversion:
rt C
tt t
([ ])°=
+− −
1100 100 10αδ
1100 100 1100 1100
+− −
αδ βttt t t
The user-definedparameters for the Callendar-Van Dusen conversion are R0
(R0), ALPHA (α), DELTA(δ), and BETA(β). The defaults are R0: 100.0, AL-
PHA: 0.00385055, DELTA:1.4998, and BETA:0.109, which are applicable
withDIN-43760 or IEC-751 type PRTs.
Some probes may beprovided with A, B, and C coefficients for the
Callendar-Van-Dusenequation in the following form:
[]rt RAtB t
RAtBtCt tt
([ ])°= ++ ≥
++ + − ≤
1 100 0
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide