2. Connect a 10 kΩresistor (25 ppm accuracy) to the input and measure its
resistance. Note the average error in the measurement. Adjust the C10K
parameter by subtracting the measured error. For example, if the input is
exactly 10.00000 kΩand the readout shows 10.00295 kΩ, adjust the
C10K parameter by subtracting 2.95.
3. Connect a 100 kΩresistor (25 ppm accuracy) to the input and measure
its resistance. Note the average error in the measurement. Adjust the
C100K parameter by subtracting the measured error. For example, if the
input is exactly 100.0000 kΩand the readout shows 99.9913 kΩ, adjust
the C100K parameter by adding 8.7.
4. Record the date in the DATE parameter and set the DUE parameter to
the desired calibration interval.
5. Verify the accuracy at 0Ω, 4kΩ, 10kΩ, 40kΩ, 100kΩ, and 500kΩon
each channel.
9.2 Thermocouple CalibrationThe followinginformation is for a Thermocouple calibration. See Section 9.1
for PRTand thermistor calibrations.
9.2.1 Calibration Parameters
Three adjustable parameters are used for calibration of each thermocouple
channel. They are listed in Table14, Calibration Parameters.
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide