Parameter Description
C0 Adjuststhe voltage accuracy of at 0 mV
C100 Adjuststhe voltage accuracy of at 100 mV
CRJ Adjuststhe internal RJC accuracy
DATE Recordsthedate the thermocouple channel was calibrated
DUE Records the date the thermocouple channel calibration expires
The calibration parameters can be accessed from the CALIBRATIONfunction
of SYSTEM menu
9.2.2 Calibration ProcedureCalibration of each channel is performed in two steps. First the voltagemea-
surement is calibrated then the internal RJC is calibrated. The equipment re-
quired are a programmable voltagesource, a precision voltmeter with an
accuracyof 10 ppm or better, a thermocouple (preferably type E), and a tem-
perature source between 0 and30°C. The combined accuracy of the reference
thermocoupleand temperature source must be 0.06°C or better between the ref-
erence temperature and ambient temperature.A teach step during the calibra-
tion procedure the readingsshould b eallowed to settle for at least two minutes
before recording themeasurement. Also, the 1529 should be allowed to warm
up for at leastone hour after power up prior to calibration. The recommended
procedure isas follows:
1. Connect the voltage source to the thermocouple channel, set it for 0 mV,
and measure the voltage with the 1529 and the voltmeter simultaneously.
Adjust the C0 parameter by subtracting the measured error. For example,
if the 1529 measures –0.0006 mV, adjust the C0 parameter by adding
0.0006. If it was previously 0.0000 it should now be 0.0006.
2. Set the voltage source to 100 mV and measure the voltage with the 1529
and the voltmeter simultaneously. Adjust the C100 parameter by sub-
tracting the measured error. For example, if the input is exactly 100.0000
mV and the 1529 shows 100.2953 mV, the C100 parameter should be ad-
justed by subtracting 0.2953. If it was previously 0.0000 it should now
be –0.2953.
3. Verify the voltage accuracy at 0, 50, and 100 mV. The accuracy must be
within the short-term voltage accuracy given in the specifications.
4. Connect the calibrated thermocouple to the thermocouple channel and
insert the thermocouple into the temperature source. Measure the tem-
perature with the 1529 (be sure to program the channel with the correct
thermocouple type). Adjust the CRJ parameter by subtracting the mea-
9 Calibration
Thermocouple Calibration
Table 1 4 Calibration Parameters