LOGging:AUTomatic:PRINt[<num>|ALL [,<port>]]
Prints the auto log entries.
DATA_25 1 22.676C 12:19:4209-05-00
DATA_25 2 9.960 KO12:19:44 09-05-00
DATA_25 3 23.220C 12:19:4609-05-00
DATA_25 4 23.245C 12:19:4809-05-00
DATA_25 1 22.765C 12:19:5209-05-00
DATA_25 2 9.962 KO12:19:54 09-05-00
DATA_25 3 23.087C 12:19:5609-05-00
DATA_25 4 23.260C 12:19:5809-05-00...
If no parameters are specified,the ALL parameter is assumed and all auto log
entries are printed to the serial port. Specifying the <num> parameter prints
only thelog entries with the specified label number to the serial port. Op-
tionally,the log entries may be printed to a specific port by specifying the
<port>parameter (see Table 10 on page 129, Port Numbers). LOGging:AUTomatic:STATus?
Returns the auto log status.
If thisquery returns a 0, an auto log session is not running. If this query returns
a 1, anauto log session is running. LOGging:AUTomatic:STATus<bool>
Sets theauto log status.
The <bool>parameter turns auto logging on (1 or ON) or off (0 or OFF). If si-
multaneous scan mode is enabled, one measurement is stored for each channel
in the auto log. The *RST command set the auto log status to off. LOGging:AUTomatic:TIMe? [MIN|MAX|DEF]
Returns the auto log interval setting.
Specifying the MIN parameter returns a value of 0.1. Specifying the MAX pa-
rameter valuereturns value of 3600. Specifying the DEF parameter returns a
valueof 1. The units are seconds.
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide