Standard Thermocouple Conversions
Standard thermocoupleconversions include types B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T, and
Au-Pt. Voltageis converted to temperature using standard reference functions.
(Foradditional information consult the publication NIST Monograph 175.)
Youcan specify internal or external reference junction compensation (RJC)
with theRJC parameter. (See Table 9 on page 129.) With internal RJC, the tem-
perature of thethermocouple cold junction is measured automatically and used
to calculatethe absolute temperature of the thermocouple. With external RJC, a
reference junctionat a known fixed temperature is used and the value of this
fixedtemperature reference must be entered in the RJT parameter and is used
to calculatethe absolute temperature of the thermocouple.
Conversionsfor each of the thermocouple types accept functional calibration
data. This can be used to improvethe measurement accuracy. The parameter,
Tn, is thetemperature of the point in degrees Celsius. The parameter, ADJn, is
the temperature deviationfrom the reference function at the point in degrees
Celsius.The temperature measurement is adjusted by this amount when mea-
suring atthis temperature. A polynomial interpolation function is used for mea-
surements between calibration points. If calibration data is not available or is
not tobe used, the ADJn parameters should all be set to 0.0. This causes the
temperature to be calculated according to the standard reference functions. Thermocouple Polynomial Conversion
The thermocouplepolynomial conversion allows calculation of temperature by
When the ThermocouplePolynomial conversion type is selected, the coeffi-
cientsare displayed on the right portion of the bottom of the display. Use the
UD buttonsto scroll through the coefficients. Use the Enter buttontoedit
and savethe new setting. Press and hold the Exit button to cancel to the main
display or press the EXIT button to cancel and to moveto the next parameter.
On the last parameter,press the Exit button to exit to the menu.
The followingequation is used for the thermocouple polynomial conversion:
([ ])[ ]mV °=
The user-definedparameters for the thermocouple polynomial conversion are
the coefficientsc0(C0) through c6(C6). The user can specify internal or exter-
nal referencejunction compensation (RJC; see Table 9 on page 129). If external
RJC is selected, the user enters the temperature of the RJC reference in theref-
erence junction temperature (RJT) parameter.
The output of the thermocouple, in millivolts,at 25°C with the reference junc-
tion at0°C, is mV (25°C). For example, for a type K thermocouple, mV(25°C)
7 Menu Functions
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