In case you run intodifficulty while operating the 1529 system, this section
providessome suggestions that may help you solve the problem. Below are
severalsituations that may arise followed by possible causes and suggested ac-
tionsyou might take.
11.1 Troubleshooting
The followingtable lists possible error messages, their causes, and suggested
Problem Solution
Incorrecttemperature reading Whileattempting to measure temperature, the display shows an incorrect value or no value at all
•If the temperature readings seem to be incorrect you should first check to see if the
resistance, or voltage in the case of thermocouples, is being measured correctly.
Set up the display to show the resistance or voltage for the channel.
•If the resistance or voltage is incorrect refer to the next subsection for troubleshoot-
ing incorrect resistance or voltage readings.
•If the resistance or voltage is being measured correctly but the displayed tempera-
ture value is incorrect consider the following possibilities:
Oneor more coefficients are incorrect. This is a common mistake. While entering coefficients
itis easy to miss a digit or sign. Check all the values carefully using the EDIT PROBE function
(seeSection 7.2.1) comparing them with the values on the calibration certificate for the probe.
Usethe TEST PROBE function to test the coefficients (see Section, Standard Thermo-
Theselected conversion type is incorrect. Check to make sure the correct conversion type is
selected.In the case of thermocouples, make sure you have selected the correct type. You
shouldalso make sure that you have selected the proper reference junction compensation (RJC)
madefor your application (see Section,Standard Thermocouple Conversions). You
canuse the TEST PROBE function to test the temperature conversion calculation.
Themeasurement is out of range. The 1529 may not be able to calculate temperature accu-
ratelyif the resistance or voltage is outside the valid range. The measured resistance or voltage
maybe too low or too high if the actual temperature is too low or too high or if there is a problem
withthe sensor.
•The measure period may be set to a long interval. Check the measure period set-