Note: Everytime a demand log read ing is stored, the firstentry in the log for
that stored reading is the data labeland the date. Allsubsequent entries in the
demand log consistof the channel, measurementvalue, units, and time. LOGging:DEMand:LABel? [MIN|MAX|DEF]
Returnsthe current demand log label setting.
Specifying the MIN parameter returns a value of 1. Specifying the MAX pa-
rameter returnsa value of 25. Specifying the DEF parameter returns a value of
1. LOGging:DEMand:LABel <num>|MIN|MAX|DEF
Sets thecurrent demand log label.
The <num>p arameter specifiesthe demand log label number (1 to 25) to se-
lect. Specifying the MIN, MAX, or DEF parameter sets the demand log label to
the minimum, maximum, or default respectively. LOGging:DEMand:POINt?
Returnsthe number of demand log entries already stored.
Specifying the MAX parameter returns the total number of entries that can be
stored in the demand log. LOGging:DEMand:PRINt [<num>|ALL [,<port>]]
Prints the demand log entries.
DATA_23 1 22.862C 14:59:4309-05-00
DATA_23 2 9.963 KO14:59:44 09-05-00
DATA_23 3 23.097C 14:59:4509-05-00
DATA_23 4 23.202C 14:59:4609-05-00
If no parameters are specified,the ALL parameter is assumed and all demand
log entries are printed to the serialport. Specifying the <num> parameter prints
only thelog entries with the specified label number to the serial port. Op-
tionally,the log entries may be printed to a specific port by specifying the
<port>parameter (see Table 10 on page 129, Port Numbers).
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide