1. How do I get data from the Model 1529 to my PC? Data can be trans-
ferred to your PC via an RS-232 interface or by IR communications
through the use of the optional IR dongle and software available through
2. Is the IR output on the Model 1529 compatible with the IR port on my
desktop laser printer? The IR port on the Model 1529 communicates
with anyIrDA compatible printer. This allows you to print to most IR
equipped laser printers. An optional IR mini-printer is also available
from Hart.
3. Can the Model 1529 be set to simultaneous measurement mode and log
to the serial port? Yes. The Model 1529 makes the measurements simul-
taneously and transmits them to the serial port. However, most printers
can’t print as fast as the data is logged so it doesn’t appear to be
11.5.5 Other1. Can I update the Model 1529 firmware without sending in my unit? Yes.
Firmware updates include a utility program that installs the upgrade via
the RS-232 port.
2. How do I change the password? Changing the password is explained in
Section 8.5.3, Password, of this manual.
3. How often does the Model 1529 need to be recalibrated? We suggest
that the unit be calibrated annually, but that may vary based upon usage
and your company’s policies.
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide