FortiLog Administration Guide Version 1.6
FortiLog CLI reference
This chapter explains how to connect to and use the FortiLog command line interface (CLI). You can use CLI commands to view all system information and to change all system configuration settings.
•CLI documentation conventions
•Connecting to the CLI
•CLI commands
CLI documentation conventions
This guide uses the following conventions to describe CLI command syntax.
•angle brackets < > to indicate variable keywords For example:
execute restore config <filename_str>
You enter restore config myfile.bak
<xxx_str> indicates an ASCII string variable keyword. <xxx_integer> indicates an integer variable keyword. <xxx_ip> indicates an IP address variable keyword.
•vertical bar and curly brackets {} to separate alternative, mutually exclusive required keywords
For example:
set system opmode {active passive}
You can enter set system opmode active or set system opmode passive
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