Table 23. Status Points. (Continued)
| Value | Digital |
| Direct | Hardware | Manual |
| ||
| |
| User Address | NvName | Field Name | (Metric) or States plus Range | ofState | Stateor | Default | (M, P,S) | Share | Map | Access | Config. | Config. | Test | Comments |
| Engineering Units: English |
| DaTemp | nvoData2 | siDischargeTempS7 | Degrees F |
| X |
| siDischargeTempS7: siDischargeTempS7 is the discharge air temperature |
| (nvoCtlDataG2) |
| 30 to 122 |
| used by the control process and is read from the local sensor via |
| Degrees C |
| nvoIO.siDischargeTempS7. If the sensor has failed or is not configured, |
| siDischargeTempS7 is SI_INVALID. | |
| DaSetpt | nvoData2 | siDischargeSetPtS7 | Degrees F |
| X |
| siDischargeSetPtS7: siDischargeSetPtS7 is the calculated desired |
| (nvoCtlDataG2) |
| 30 to 122 |
| discharge air temperature when cascade control is being used. |
| Degrees C |
| |
| RaTemp | nvoData2 | siReturnTempS7 | Degrees F |
| X |
| siReturnTempS7: siReturnTempS7 is the return air temperature used by the |
| (nvoCtlDataG2) |
| 30 to 122 |
| control process read from the local sensor via nvoIO.siReturnTempS7. If |
| Degrees C |
| the sensor has failed or is not configured, siReturnTempS7 is SI_INVALID. |
| |
| RaHum | nvoData2 | ubReturnHumidityS1 | Percentage |
| X |
| ubReturnHumidityS1: ubReturnHumidityS1 is the return air humidity used |
| (nvoCtlDataG2) |
| 10 to 90 |
| by the control process and is read from the local sensor via |
| nvoIO.ReturnHumidity. If the sensor has failed or is not configured |
| ubReturnHumidityS1 is UB_INVALID. |
89 | RaEnth | nvoData2 | siReturnEnthalpyS7 | mA |
| X |
| siReturnEnthalpyS7: siReturnEnthalpyS7 is the return air enthalpy used by |
| (nvoCtlDataG2) |
| 4 to 20 |
| the control process and is read from the local sensor via | |
| nvoIO.siReturnEnthalpyS7. If the sensor has failed or is not configured, |
| siReturnEnthalpyS7 is SI_INVALID. |
| OaTemp | nvoData2 | siOutdoorTempS7 | Degrees F |
| X |
| siOutdoorTempS7: siOutdoorTempS7 is the outdoor air temperature used |
| (nvoCtlDataG2) |
| by the control process and is read from another node via nviOdTemp or the | |
| Degrees C |
| local sensor via nvoIO.siOutdoorTempS7. If the network input is not |
| SI_INVALID, then the network input has priority. If both the network input | |
| and the local sensor have failed or are not configured, siOutdoorTempS7 is |
| OaHum | nvoData2 | ubOutdoorHumidityS1 | Percentage |
| X |
| ubOutdoorHumidityS1: ubOutdoorHumidityS1 is the outdoor air humidity |
| (nvoCtlDataG2) |
| 10 to 90 |
| used by the control process and is read from another node via nviOdHum |
| or the local sensor via nvoIO.OutdoorHumidity. If the network is not |
| SI_INVALID, then the network input has priority. If both the network input |
| and the local sensor have failed or are not configured, |
| ubOutdoorHumidityS1 is UB_INVALID. |
| OaEnth | nvoData2 | siOutdoorEnthalpyS7 | mA |
| X |
| siOutdoorEnthalpyS7: siOutdoorEnthalpyS7 is the outdoor air enthalpy |
| (nvoCtlDataG2) |
| 4 to 20 |
| used by the control process and is read from another node via |
| nviOdEnthS7 or the local sensor via nvoIO.siOutdoorEnthalpyS7. If the |
| network input is not SI_INVALID, then the network input has priority. If both |
| the network input and the local sensor have failed or are not configured, |
| siOutdoorEnthalpyS7 is SI_INVALID. |
| FilterPress | nvoData2 | siFilterPressureS10 | inw (kPa) |
| X |
| siFilterPressureS10: siFilterPressureS10 is air pressure across the air filter |
| (nvoCtlDataG2) |
| 0 to 5 (0 to 1.25) |
| used by the control process and is read from the local sensor via |
| nvoIO.siFilterPressureS10. If the local sensor has failed or is not |
| configured, siFilterPressureS10 is SI_INVALID. |
74 | CO2Sens | nvoCtlDataG2 | siSpaceCo2S0 | PPM |
| X |
| siSpaceCo2S0: siSpaceCo2S0 is the indoor air CO2 content used by the |
| 150 to 2000 |
| control process and read the local sensor via nvoIO.siSpaceCo2S0. If the | |
- |
| |
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| local sensor has failed or is not configured, siSpaceCo2S0 is SI_INVALID. |