Honeywell W7750A Valid states and the corresponding, Enumerated values are shown, Screen, Test

Models: W7750A

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All of the NvName values that are stored in EEPROM memory have a prefix of nci.

NOTE: These parameters are stored in EEPROM and are limited to 10,000 writes. Do NOT use them as outputs from Control Strategies,Time Programs, or Switching Tables. If these points are changed more than 10,000 times, irreversible hardware failure results

Tables 20 through 28 provide point attributes as follows:




This field indicates the point valid range and


displayed Engineering Unit. For digital points,


the valid states and the corresponding


enumerated values are shown.


The value or state of the point on controller




(M) Monitor— These points are viewable within the E-Vision Controller Monitoring on-line screen.

(P)Parameter— These points refer to control parameters settable in the Application Selection dialog

boxes in E-Vision.

(S) Schematic— These points appear in E-Vision monitor mode graphics.

Shareable— These points can be set up for data sharing in Command Multiple Points, Read Multiple Points, or Refer Excel 10 Points as either a data source or a destination.

Mappable— These points can be converted into a C-Bus point used by C-Bus devices. A mappable point has a one-to-one relationship with a C-Bus User Address.


Access— These points are accessible through the Subsystem Points mechanism in XBS.




These are points that involve controller I/O


configuration. Any change to Hardware Config.


points causes the W7750 to perform an


application reset; therefore, these points can


only be modified off-line.



These points are used to set the controller


outputs when in manual mode. The W7750 is


placed in manual mode through a menu


selection in the E-Vision Controller Monitor




These points can be controlled in E-Visions test


mode that is used for field checkout/ debuging.

Failure Detect

Input Point— These points need an update periodically or a communication alarm is generated. The failure detect mechanism is only active when the NV is bound (bindings are configured using Refer Excel 10 points). The time between the updates is user settable.

Non-Failure Detect

Input Point— These points (which are NVs that are bound or unbound) do not check for an update periodically and do not generate an alarm.


1.Mapped points can be viewed and changed, if needed, on the XI581, XI582 and XI584 C-Bus devices and on an XBS central and on E-Vision.

2.All Excel 10 points, mappable and calibration, configuration and internal data sharing points, can be viewed and changed, as allowed, via Direct Access (DA) mode in the XBS subsystem menu or via XI584.

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Honeywell W7750A Valid states and the corresponding, Enumerated values are shown, Points causes the W7750 to perform an