Cancelone-lineexpandedprint Both I
I<DC4> I
I14h I
20 I
Thecommandabove cancelsthe one-lineexpandedprint modeset by cSO> or
cESC> <SO>. There are noparameters
ISelectMaster printmode Both
1cESC> <0 I
l13h 21h <m
27 33 <0
Thecommandabove selectsa“Masterprint”mode,where <n> is abinary value
composedoftheadditionof the following bit settings:
Bit Value Value
(dec) (hex)
01 Olh
1 2 02h
24 04h
3 8 08h
4 16 IOh
I61 64 I40h
Function Effect when Effect when
bit=l bit=O
Pitch[12cvi IIOcui
Proportionalprinting set csi-kcei
Condensedprinting set cancel
Emphasized tnintimzIset cancel
Hence, ifcondensed italic underlined print is required at 12cpi, the values of bits 2,
6,7 andOmust be added together.Tl& comesto (indecim~)4+64+128+1=197,
or(in hexadecimal)04h+40h+80h+Olh=C5h.Themastermode ishence auseful
wayof selectinganumberofprintparameterssimultaneously.