Select/cancelitalic mint |
| Both | |
28h | 28h | 49h | 29h | 29h | <# |
40 | 40 | 73 | 41 | 41 | <0 |
Thecommandaboveselectsor cancelsitalicprinting,wherecn> is an ASCIIvalue whichmaybeeither“l” or
Select/cancelbold print |
| Both | |
( | ( | B | ) | ) | <m |
28h | 28h | 42h | 29h | 29h | <m |
40 | 40 | 66 | 41 | 41 | <* |
Thecommandaboveselectsorcancelsboldprinting,wheree~ isan ASCIIvalue
whichmaybeeither”l” or’’O”Anyothervalueswillbeignored..If<~ = “l” then boldp;nting is enabled,and if m> = “O”,thenboldprintingis cancelled.
I Selecticancelunderline |
| Both | |
I ( | (- |
| ) | ) | <* |
28h | 28h | 2Dh | 29h | 29h | <0 |
40 | 40 | 45 | 41 | 41 | <m |
The commandaboveselectsor cancelsunderlining,whereen> is an ASCIIvalue whichmaybe either“l” or “O”.Anyothervalueswillbe ignored If ~>=”1” then underliningis enabled,and if en>=’’O”,thenunderliningis cancelled.
I Sekcffcancel expandedprint |
| Both 1 | ||
( | (- | ) | ) | <* | |
28h | 28h | 53h | 29h | 29h | <m |
40 | 40 | 83 | 41 | 41 | <m |
Thecommandaboveselectsor cancelsexpandedprinting,where<n is an ASCII valuefrom“O”through“3”. The effectof cn> is givenin the tablebelow: