I Set justificationmode | Both |
L | a | <?0 |
<Esc> | ||
IBh | 61h | <w |
I 27 | 97 | <m |
The commandabove will set the justifkation mode in which the printer prints
02h (or “2”).The meaningsof thesevaluesare shownin the tablebelow:
Value Meaning
The default(whenthe printeris f~st turnedon) is leftjustifkation.
<ESC> | <s> | <?0 |
IBh | 20h | <* |
I 27 | 32 | <0 | I |
The commandaboveproducesa spacecharacter,wherecSI% is the ASCIIspace character(20h),anda> isabinary valuefromOthrough127givingthespacewidth indots.Whenindraftmode,thedotspacingis 1/120inch,andwheninNLQ,thedot spacingis 1/240inch.If in superscriptor subscriptprinting,the dot spacingis the sameas above,but if in expandedmode,the resolutionis halfthe above.
Select next horizontalprint position(by dot) | Both | |||
<ESC> | $ | <nib | Cnl> |
IBh | 24h | Cnb | al> |
27 | 36 | *b | al> |
The commandabovewill startsubsequentprintingat a horizontalpositiondeter-
minedly dotspacing,where~ andd> aretwobinarynumbers(lowbytefirst) specifyingthe numberof dots (at 1/60inch spacing)by whichthe print head will moveto therightfromtheleftmargin.If thesubsequentpMt positionisbeyondthe rightmargin,thenprintingwillstartat the left margin.