The followingsectionon troubleshootingandmaintenanceis intendedonly M a brief guideto these functions.Rememberthat your printeris a highly sophisticatedelectronicdevice,which also containshigh voltagesinside. For that ~ason, only carry out thoseoperationsdescribedin this section.
Anyattempttocarryoutoperationsotherthanthosedescribedheremayresultin electricshockand/ordamageto theprinter.When carryingout any repairsor
maintenance,alwaysfollowthe instructionscarefully.
Your printer is a tdiable piece of precisionmachinery,which shouldnot causeyouanytmttble,providedit isusedandtreatedsensibly.However,the few elementarytips below shouldavoidyou havingto make unnecessary servicecalls. The followingtable gives you ideas on whereto look in this sectionif you experiencefaults:
Regionoffault | Description |
Power supply | Power is not being suppliedto the printer |
Printing | The printerdoes not pring or stops printing |
| The mint is faint or uneven |
| Dots aremissing in charactersor graphics |
| Whileusingapplicationsoftwsre,fontsorcharacterscannotbeprinted | |
| The printoutis not whatis expected when runninga program |
Paper feeding | Single sheets do not feed properly(withoutASF) | I |
| ContinuousDauerdoes not feed moxrly with the tractorfeed | |
| The ASF is not operatingor is not feeding paperproperly |
Psperpsrk (switchingbetweencontinuouspaperandcutsheets) is not workingproperly
Text is being printedall on one line, or with extrablanktines
Page length andmarginsettings arenot what is expected.
Remember- it is betternotto attemptoperationsor repairsaboveyourlevel of competence.Otherwise,you run the risk of damagingthe printer.