Sdf Declaration
Radio intcrfcrcnceregardingthis equipment has bear eliminated according to Vfg 1046/1984 ar- nounced by the DBP.
DBP has been infosmedof the introductionof his specialquipment andhas been grantedthe rightso
It is the user’s responsibilityto see thathis own assembledsystem is in mmr&nee with the technical regulationsunderVfg 104( Y1984.
To conformto
The equipmentmay only be opened by qualif]edservice representatives,
The obovc stafensanfapplies only foprinters mrkted in WestGermany,
Trademark Acknowlcdgcmcnta
MicroaofI BASIC,
WordStar: MicsQPmfntemationalCorporation
●All rights reserved.Reproductionof any partof this manualin any form wharmeverwithout mrissionis forbidden.
●‘llrecontems‘TAR’sexpss117of Mmanualare subjcztto change wilhout notice
●Aif effortshave been made to ensurethe accumc of the contentsof tis manualat the time of press. IIowever,should any errorsbe &tected, Sf AR worddgreatlyappreciatebeing informed of them.
●The above n~witistanding, STAR can assumeno rcspcmsibiiityfor any errorsin this manual.
(3 Copyright1989Sbr MicronicsCo., Ltd.