“l” | I | Double | I Normal |
“2” | I Normal ] Double | ||
“3” | I | Double | ] Double |
I Select color printing(with color optiononly) | ) | Both 1 | ||||
t ( | ( | c | ) | <)0 | 1 | |
| |
28h | 28h | 43h | 29h | 29h | <* |
40 | 40 | 67 | 41 | 41 | <* |
The commandaboveselectsthecolorto be printedwhenthecoloroptionis fitted, wherea> is artASCIIvaluefrom“O”through“6”. The color selectedby <n> is shownin the tablebelow:
-Color ,’o!! Black ‘,1,? Red
‘,2.. Blue “3” Violet “4” Yellow
“5” Orange
.,6., Green
ControlASF |
( | ( | <?0 | ) | ) |
28h | 28h | <0 | 29h | 29h |
40 | 40 | <m | 41 | 41 |
ThecommandabovecontrolstheASF (AutomaticShmt Feeder),where<n>is an ASCIIparameterwhichcantakethevalues“O“,’’4’’,’’R’’or’’T”. Thiscommandhas exactlythe samefunctionas theESC<Ehb command.