1000Oh- IOh= FFFOh

and the nxdt is dividedinto the two bytesof F7)hand FFh,

If “non-printable” codes are given, ie those codes fmm OOhthrough IFh and 71%,these codes will be enclosed in angle brackets, for example cDC1>. The name in the angle brackets is that assigned to the code in the ASCII con- vention. The name of the character should not be used, the binary value should”beinput. In the same way, it should be noted that the angle brackets are not to be input - they are merely there as delimitem in the printed text.

Of course, in a program, a meaningful variable name can be given to these charactem, for instance (the following example is written in BASIC):

10ESC$=CHR$(27) :BS$=CHR$(8)



Somecommandcodesarecommonto boththe standardandIBMmodes.In the descriptionsof the commandcodes,all commandcodeswill be given, togetherwithanoteofthemodestowhicheachcommandcodeis applicable.

Most of the following command codes are available in both the standard mode and the IBM emulation mode. If a command is common to both modes, the descriptive heading is followed by “Both”. If the command is specific to one mode, then either “Standard” or “IBM” will follow the descriptive heading. Occasionally, there am two identical commands to perform the same function. In these cases, the relevant sign follows the escape sequence.

Whenparametemare given,the accompanyingtext describeswhetherthe parameteris an ASCIIcharacteror a binaryvalue.

In the following descriptions, first the function of the command sequence is given. This is followed by the emulation for which this command is appropriate (“Standard”, “Both” or “IBM”).


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Star Micronics FR-10, FR-15 manual Commandcodesand Escapesequences