Set top margin | Both |
IBh63h <0
2799 <m
Thecommandaboveset.sthetopmargin,whereaisabinary valuewhichspecifies the”heightof thetopmarginto thefmt printedlinein lines(at thecurrentlinepitch setting).Printingwillstarton the (*>+lth) lineon the page.Subsequentchanges to the linepitch settingwill not affectthisvalue.
Set bottommargin | Both |
<ESC>N <n
IBh4Eh <n
2778 <0
Thecommandabovesetsthebottommargin,wherea> isa binaryvaluespecifying thebottommargindeprhin linesat thecurrentlinepitchsetting.If thepagelength is reset (with the cESCX or <ESC>C<NUL>commands),the effect of this commandwillbelost.Subsequentchangestothelinepitchsetting,however,willnot affectthe lengthset by thiscommand.
Canceltop and bottommargins | Both | |
<ESC> | o |
IBh | 4Fh |
I 27 | 79 |
Thecommandabovecancelsthesettingsfortopandbottommargins.Thereare no parameters.
| Set left and right margins |
| Both | ||
| <ESC> | x | <* | <0 |
I | IBh | 58h |
| <?0 | I |
I | 27 | 88 | <0 | <n | I |
The commandabovesets the left and right margins,where the two valuesrepre- sentedby the <n>sare binarynumbersused for settingthe left and right margins respectively.Marginsare set at the currenthorizontalpitch.