Settop margin Both
<ESC> c<*
IBh 63h <0
27 99 <m
Thecommandaboveset.sthetopmargin,whereaisabinary valuewhichspecifies
the”heightofthetopmarginto thefmt printedlinein lines(atthecurrentlinepitch
setting).Printingwillstartonthe (*>+lth) lineon thepage.Subsequentchanges
tothe linepitchsettingwill notaffectthis value.
Set bottommargin Both
<ESC> N<n
IBh 4Eh <n
27 78 <0
Thecommandabovesetsthebottommargin,wherea> isabinaryvaluespecifying
thebottommargindeprhinlinesat thecurrentlinepitch setting.Ifthe pagelength
is reset (with the cESCX or <ESC>C<NUL>commands),the effectof this
affectthelengthset by thiscommand.
Canceltop and bottommargins Both
<ESC> o
IBh 4Fh
I27 79
Thecommandabovecancelsthesettingsfortopand bottommargins.Thereareno
Set leftand right margins Both
<ESC> x<* <0
IIBh 58h <?0 I
I27 88 <0 <n I
Thecommandabovesets the leftand rightmargins,where thetwo valuesrepre-
sentedby the<n>s arebinary numbersusedforsetting theleft andright margins
respectively.Marginsareset atthe currenthorizontalpitch.