I Move print head |
| I | |
<ESC> | \ | Cnb | ad> | Standard |
IBh | 5Ch | Cnb | al> |
27 | 92 | Cnb | d> |
<FS> | \ |
| d> | IBM |
ICh | 5Ch |
| I |
/ 28 | 92 | Cn(b | ad> |
Thecommandabovemovestheprintheadrelativeto the lastprintposition,where o~ and cnl> are two binarynumbers(lowbyte fwst)specifyingthe amount(in inches)by whichtheprintheadwillmovefromthelastprintposition.Thenumber representedbytheparameterssignifiesmove~entin l/120thsinch.Apositivevalue willmovetheprintheadtotherighganda negativevaluewillmoveit totheleft.See “NumericalRepresentation”for derailsof hownegativevaluesare representedin this way.
CopystandardROM font into RAM
<ESC> |
| <NLJb | <* | e~Standard | |
IBh | 3Ah | OOh | <* | OOh |
27 | 58 | 0 | <?0 | o |
<FS> |
| <NUb | <0 | <NuL> | IBM |
ICh | 3Ah | OOh | <0 | OOh |
28 | 58 | 0 | <m | o |
Thecommandabovecopiesthecharactersfromtheselcctcdcharactersetwitha>, as shownbelow,intothedownloadRAMarea.<NUb is theASCIIcharacterOOh. This commandis only valid if “DOWNWARD”has been selectedin the RAM USAGEmenuoftheMemorySwitch(seeChaptcr3fordetails).Allcharactersfrom 20hto FFharecopied.Regardlessof thecharacterse~thecharacters80hto 9Fhare copied.However,theblockcharactersof theIBMcharacterset(BOhthroughDFh, F4h and F5h)are copiedas spacecharacters.
Binary | Selected font | Binary | Selected font | |
Value | Value | |||
| |||
OOh | Courier | 04h | Script | |
Olh | Sanserif | 05h | ||
02h | ~h | |||
03h | orator | 07h | Cinema |