The printer has two emulation modes: standard mode and IBM mode.

In standard mode, the printer emulates the fhnctions of the Epson EX-800 and EX-lOOOpnnters. Additional command codes are included as a supset of these emulations.

In IBM mode, the printer emulates the IBM Proprinter II. Additional command codes are included as a superset of these emulations.

The emulationis changedby meansof DIP switch1.When ON,the printer willbe in standardmode,andwhenOFF,the printerwillbe in IBMemula- tionmode(seeChpter5). It is notpossibleto changetheemulationmodeby meansof softwarecontrolor the frontpanelcontrols.


Rememberto turnoff theprinterbeforemakinganyDIPswitchchanges.


Whenin either standard or IBM mode, any numerical parametem taken by command sequences are usually binary ratherthanASCIInumericalvalues. In @ismanual,anyASCIIvalueswillbe representedin quotes,eg “21”will represent the ASCII string 32h concatenated with 31h (in BASIC, CHR$(50)+CHR$(51)). Usuallyin theseexamples,however,hexadecimal valueswillbe quoted,as shownby thelowercase“h”followingthenumber, eg 32h.

Binary numbersover FFh are obtainedby dividingthe number into two bytes,thefirstbeingthelowbyte,andthesecondbeingthehighbyte.Inthis way, the value 123hwill be dividedinto the two followingbytes:23h and Olh.

If negative numbers are required, they are obtained by subtracting the absolutevalueof the negativenumberfrom 65536(10000h),and dividing theresultintohighandlowbytes.Forinstance,to representthenumber-l Oh, the followingoperationis carriedout:


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Star Micronics FR-15, FR-10 manual Emulations, Numericalrepresentation