The followingsectionsdescribethe ways in which you can controlpaper feeding,etc by means of the front panelcontrols:

Form feed

A formfeed can be achievedfrom the frontpanelin the followingway:

1Put the printer off-line, by pressing the ON.LINE button, so that the indicatoris extinguished.

2 Press the .!APEBFEEDbutton,and keep it depnxsed.

3 Press the =‘


4The paper will then move forwardto the top of the next sheet (fanfold paper),or eject a cut sheet.

5Set the printeron-lineagain (.. ONLINE.button)to resumeprinting.


Paperparkingis usefulif you areusingfanfoldpaper,and youwantto print

adocumenton oneor two sheetsof cut-sheetpaper.The printer“parks”the fanfoldpaper safelyout of the way, so that you do not need to unloadthe paper before inserting cut-sheet paper, then, when you have finished printingon cut-sheetpaper, moves the fanfold paper back to its original positionso that you can restat printing.

To use this facility,followthe instructionsbelow:

1Puttheprinteroff-line@ess the :-OWW‘button,sothattheindicatorgoes out).

2Press the {ET:::CT:PARK’button, so that the fanfoldpaper is moved out of the paper path.

3Nowmovetheteleaselevertotherearof theprinter( ~ position)toselect cut-sheetpaper (disengagingthe fanfoldsprockets).



If youdo notmovethereleaseleverat thisstage,theprinterwillwarnyou


at‘thenext step by emittinga continuousseriesof &ps.



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Image 20
Star Micronics FR-10, FR-15 manual Paperhandling, Form feed, Paperparking