I Selectverticalform unit (VFU)channel | Both 1 |
IBh2Fh a>
2747 cm>
Thecommandaboveselectsa VFUwithinwhichall subsequent<VT>commands willbe executed,wherem is a binaryvaluefromOto 7. Differentsetsof vertical tabscan be storedin differentchannels‘usingthe<ESC>b command,and selected usingthiscommand.
[ Set VFU verticaltabs |
| Both | ||
<ESC> | b | <m> | <n(b | ... | cd> | <NuL> |
IBh | 62h | cm> | <n@ | ... | d> | OOh |
27 | 98 | O@ | ... | al> | o |
ThecommandabovesetsverticaltabsinsideaVFW,wherem is theVFUchannel
I Set reiativeverticaltab positions | Both | ||
L |
<ESC> | e | 1 | <* |
IBh | 65h | 31h | <m |
27 | 101 | 49 | <* |
The commandabovewill setrelativeverticaltab positions,where<n> is a binary valuegivingthe distancein linesbetweenverticaltabs set by this command.The verticaltabssetbythiscommandaresubsequentlyaccessedbythecV’b command. Allverticaltabspreviouslysetarecleared.Insteadof theASCII“l”, thebinaryOlh charactercan be used.