The printeris equippedwitha numberof differentmodesfor diagnosisand testing.These am accessedfrom the front panel by holdingdown a front panelbutton(or combinationof buttons)whileturningon the powerto the printer.
The test and diagnostic modes available are listed below
●A text test print mode c A short test print mode “ A long test print mode
●A hexadecimal dump mode
●A bidirectional print test
Short test mode
Iftheprinteristumed onwhilethe ~~~ buttonispressed,thepnnterwill enter the short
Eachline willbe offsetby onecharacterfromthe onebeforeit. If the color optionhas been installed,each line will be in a differentcolor. The final (blackand white)result will be somethinglike the following:
KBM mode]
Since the test print occupies the whole width of the carriage, it is recom- mended that the printer is loaded with continuous stationery to avoid possible damage to the print head and/or platen.