IReversefeedto top of form Both
[“<ESC> <FF> I
27 12
The commandabove reverses thepaper to the top of the form. There are no
parameters.Onreceiptofthiscommand,thepaperwillbefed backwardstothetop
ofthe currentpage.Acarriagereturn(totheleft margin)willalsotakeplace.This
commandisinvalidif theASFhas beenselected.
Set pagelength(in inches) Both
<ESC> c<Nub <0
IBh 43h OOh <m
27 67 0<0
Thecommandabove setsthepage lengthin inches,where<n> is abinaryvalue
(ls~><22 instandardmode,lS<n>S127inIBMmode)repmentingthenewpage
lengthininches.Thebottommarginisreset,and thecurrentlineafterexecutionof
thiscommandismade thenewtop ofform.
Setpage iength(in iines) Both
<ES(2> c<m
IBh 43h <0
I27 67 <* I
Thecommand abovesets thepage length inlines, wherecn> is abinary value
(ISCn>S127instandardmode,lgQ>s255 inIBMmode).The newpagelengthis
setaccording tothe current linespacing value.Subsequentchangesof the line
spacingvaluewillnot affectthepage length.Thebottommarginis reset,and the
currentlineafterexecutionofthiscommandismadethenewtopof form.Thiscom-
mandis invalidiftheline spacingissetto,O.