Definedraft downloadcharacter(s) |
| Both | ||||
<ESC> | & | <NUb | <cl> | <C2> | C* | cdl> | ... | ~n> |
IBh | 3Dh | OOh | <cl> | <C2> | <?0 | ‘4> | ... | ain> |
I 27 | 61 | 0 | <d> | <C2> | <m’ | 4> | ... | cdn> I |
The commandaboveenablesthedefinitionof “soft’’charactersto be downloaded. This commandis only valid if “DOWNLOAD”has been selectedin the RAM USAGEmenuof theMemorySwitch(seeChapter3 fordetails),andthedraftmode hasbeen selectedbeforethiscommandis executed.
Thefollowingrulesareobsexved<cl>. andec2> arebinaryvalueswhichdetermine the characterrange which will be replacedby downloadeddata. For instance,if <cZ>=20hand cc2>.30h, all charactersfrom20h through30hwillbe overwriuen by thedownloadeddata.If a downloadedcharacteris storedin thearea80hthrough 9Fh, it can only be printed in the characterset #2 mode. It is possibleto store downloadedcharactersin the part of rhe character set reserved for IBM block graphics(BOhrhroughDFh,F4handF5h),but thesecharacterscan onlybe printed when the standardcharacterset hasbeen selected.
Eachcharacterisdefiiedby anattributebyte(cn>)and 11databytes(dl> ...<A>). Theattributebyte,en>, indicateswhetherthecharacterisanaseender(notusingthe lowestof the nine verticaldots)or a descender(not usingthe highestdot). It also indicatestheamountof whitespaceto theleftof thechamcter(Oto 7 dots),and the widthof thecharactercell,includingthisspace(4to 15dots).Theleftspaceandcell widthattributesare usedonlyin proportionalspacing.
Eachdatabyteindicateseightverticaldots,withtheMSBbeingthetop dotandthe LSB the bottomdot. Thesecorrespondto pins 1 to 8 or 2 to 9 of the print head, deWndingon whetherthecharacteris an ascenderor descender.