Micro Feed

The Micro Feed facilityis usefulif you wish to alignthe paper exactly.It feedsthe paper forwardsor backwardsin l/216th inch increments.

To use this featwe, put the printeroff-line(usingthe (- button).

Then press the @@> button, and either the paper forwatis), or the @W@ button(to feed

(PAP-O)button (to feed the the paper backwards).

Holdingdownthesebuttonscontinuouslywillcontinueto feedthepaperfor- wardsor backwardsin small increments.


It is possibleto clearthe buffer of the printeror to mtum it to its power-on statusby usingthe frontpanelbuttonswithouthavingto turn the poweroff andon.To dothis,puttheprinteroff-line(pressthe [ONL~.1 button),andthen press the :-0N~i~~7button again.Before releasingthe (“~~ button,hold downthe “F!NT button.Releasingthe (:0~~1buttonwithintwo secondsof holdingit down (beforereleasingthe CON.LNSIbutton)will clear the data in the buffer. Releasingthe buttonafter two seconds(again,before releasing the @~-’ button)will reset the printerback to the settingsat power-on.


Theprinterisequippedwithanumberoffunctionsto assisttestingandmain- tenance.Sinceit is anticipatedthattheywillnotbe usedveryoften,theyare not describedhem, but in Chapter6.

However,briefly,they are:

A text test printmode

A short test printmode

A long test print mode

. A hexadecimaldump mode

A bidirectionalprint test


Page 22
Image 22
Star Micronics FR-10, FR-15 manual Micro Feed, Bufferclear/Reset, Test and Maintenancesettings