Set/cancelimmediatemode | Both ] | ||
<ESC> | i | <* | I |
IBh | 69h | <m |
I 27 | 105 | <* | I |
Thecommandaboveselectsor cancelsthe“immediate”print mode,wherecn> is a binmyvalueof eitherOOhor Olh or an ASCIIvalueof either“O”or “l”. If <n>is set to OOhor “O”,thenimmediateprintingis cancelled.If ~ is set to Olh or “l”, thenimmediateprintingis enabled.In immediateprintmode,eachcharacteris sent straightto theprintheadas it is receivedfromthehostcomputer(unbuffered),and the papermovesup so that it is possibleto read what is on the paper,similarto a typewriter.
~ Reset | Both | 1 |
I <ESC> | @ | I |
IBh | 40h |
27 | 64 |
Thecommandaboveresetstheprinter.Themare no parameters.On receiptof this command,thebufferis cleared,andall settings(withthefollowingexceptions)are restoredto
●ASF settingsmadewith the cESC> EM command “ Panelmodesettings
ASF (AutomaticSheet Feeder)control | Both |
IBh19h <#
2725 <*