Inadditiontotheseindicators,the~ m twoothers,POWERandPAPER.The POWERindicatorwill illuminatewhenpoweris suppliedto the printer,and the PAPERindicatorwill illuminatewhen no paperhas been inserted.
Usethe PITCH’ buttontosetthepitchthatwillbe printed.Rememberthatthe printer.mustbe
( Pitch | I Indicator(s) |
10 charactersper inch | IOCPI |
12charactersper inch | 12CPI |
17charactersper inch | 10CPI,COND |
20 charactersuer inch | ] 12CPI.COND 1 |
1Proportional | I PROP |
Holdingdown this buttonwill cyclecontinuouslybetweenthese options.
Pitch Panel Lock
If the PITCH’ buttonis pressedwhenthe printeris turnedon, the pitch will be “locked”,and no pitch changescan be made from software. It is still pssible, however,to put the
PITCH button.