Thankyou for buyingthisprinter.This printeris providedwith the follow- ing featunx:

.2 modes - Draft and Near Letter Quality IMany diffenmttypefacesbuilt into the printer

Epson or IBM Pmprintercompatibilityincludinggraphics

Comprehensivepaper-handlingfacilities(cut-sheetor tractoras stan- dard, with optionalAutomaticSheetFeeder)

Paper-park facility for loading cut-sheet paper without having to unloadfanfoldpaper

MemorySwitchfacility,enablingcomprehensiveprogrammingfrom the front panel

Optionalcolor facilities


Thismanualis dividedinto9 chaptm. Usechapters1through3 as a “User Guide”,givingyouinformationon howto set up andstartyourprinter.The remainingchaptersmay be treated as a referenceguide for programming operations,etc. It assumes a degree of knowledgeoff the operation of computers(forinstance,it assumesyouknowabouthexadecimalnumbers). The chaptersam as follows:

Chapter 1- Introduction

Readthis sectionfirst,as it explainshowto unpackandinstallyourprinter.

Chapter 2- Front panel controls

There am a numberof controlson the frontpanel which performvarious functionsrelated to paper handling,print modes and font selection.This sectionshowsyou how to use the frontpanelcontrols.

Chapter 3- Setting up the Memory Switches

Your printer has a Memory Switch function,which allows you to make certain system settings fmm the front panel. This section explains the operationof these MemorySwithes.

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Star Micronics FR-15, FR-10 manual Organizationof this Manual