Generating Reports 73
■Paper Size — For PDF format, select the paper size such as Letter, A4, or Legal.
■Describe fields in report — Select this option to include a short description of each field in the report.
Report Generation ■ Enable Auto Generate — Select this check box to automatically generate reports.
■Auto Generate Report at — Select the time to generate the report.
■Auto Generate on Week Days… — Choose the days of the week to generate the report.
■...and/or Day(s) of Month — Choose specific days of the month to generate the report.
■Timespan Covered — Select the timespan covered for this report.
■Timespan Ends at… — Select the end of the timespan. It is recommended to set the timespan end time a few hours prior to report generation to allow all deferred mail to be finalized.
■...Timespan Offset (Days Ago) — Select the number of days to offset the timespan. This amount of time is subtracted before setting the timespan.
Click the Generate Now button to generate a report on demand using the specified settings. This will also automatically email the report to the specified address.
To generate a report daily at 2.00am for the previous day (up to 11:00pm) use the following settings:
Auto Generate Report at: 02:00
Auto Generate on Week Days:All
Timespan covered:1 day
Timespan ends at:23:00
Timespan offset:0 days