service rating

A value assigned to a network resource by the service node to indicate its relative capability to accept new sessions. The rating is scaled from 0 to 255, where 255 is the greatest capacity. Access servers use this rating to choose a service node when a user attempts to connect to a service that is offered by multiple service nodes.

service session

A session between a network resource and a terminal session on a session management terminal.


A two-way network communications path between a network resource and either a access server user, a multiuser computer user, or an application program.

session management

A facility provided by some access servers that uses TD/SMP to communicate with a access server device so that the device can process simultaneous, independent, multiple terminal sessions. On the device, the data exchange of multiple sessions can be processed simultaneously regardless of which session is current.

Simple Network Management Protocol



Serial Line Internet Protocol. This protocol uses a simple framing technique to transmit IP datagrams over serial lines.

SLIP host

An Internet host that uses SLIP as its data link.


Simple Network Management Protocol. An Internet protocol that is used to manage systems from one or more Internet hosts.

subnet addressing

An addressing technique that allows a site to share a single Internet network address among multiple logical networks, as long as all the hosts and gateways on those networks cooperate. It is a form of hierarchical routing in which the top level of the routing hierarchy, the core gateway system, uses the network portion of the Internet address (when routing packets) to identify the local gateway. The next level, the local gateway, uses part of the host portion of the Internet address to identify the subnet and route packets to it. And finally, the lowest level, the specific host computer, uses the remainder of the host portion of the address to identify and accept packets addressed to it.
