
DSV$CONFIGURE is a command procedure that runs on a DECnet Phase IV OpenVMS load host or on a DECnet/OSI OpenVMS load host. This procedure enables you to:

Maintain configuration information about access servers.

Modify the local MOP (Maintenance Operation Protocol) client configuration.

Access the remote console port of the access server.

DIGITAL provides DSV$CONFIGURE as part of the access server software. For information about installing DSV$CONFIGURE, refer to the installation guide provided with the access server software.

Backward Compatibility of DSV$CONFIGURE

DSV$CONFIGURE supports both DECnet Phase IV and DECnet/OSI Phase V. Upon installation, DSV$CONFIGURE automatically converts databases created by DSVCONFIG to the data format required by DSV$CONFIGURE.


The procedure DSV$CONFIGURE.COM is located in the following directory:


Execute this procedure as follows:


Defining Symbols

You may find it useful to define a symbol for this procedure in your LOGIN.COM file. For example:


Managing Load Hosts 4-3